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Who is eligible to participate?All Alabama residents, college students and military personnel who’ve lived in Alabama for at least 30 days prior to the day of competition and meet the specific requirements for their specific sport of interest, can compete. Alabama residents attending college or serving in the military in another state are also eligible to compete. Athletes residing in a state adjacent to Alabama who belong to a club based in Alabama and regularly train/compete in Alabama are eligible. Plus, designated individual or team sports may be eligible to compete, along with those who compete in developing state games sports. Participants in sports (including formats/age groups of sports) not offered in other state games programs, residing close to a neighboring state line, may be eligible to compete. Residents in states who do not have State Games (i.e. Tennessee), are eligible to participate. Residents from Louisiana are eligible to participate. Directors of other State Games programs (i.e. FL.,MISS., & GA.) have the right to restrict participation from a resident residing in their state. The ASF Foundation reserves the right to restrict individuals and/or teams from competing in the Alabama State Games for the best interest of the event.
How do I register?To enter the Alabama State Games, carefully read the information concerning your specific sport of interest from on the appropriate sport’s page. Follow the step by step registration instructions and submit by entry deadline. Athletes may compete in any number of sports, yet conflicts in scheduling are the responsibility of the athlete.
What are the registration fees and what about the refund policy and weather issues?Each sport has its own entry fee requirements. Consult the appropriate sport section of our website or the athlete flyer for entry fee amounts. There will be NO REFUNDS of entry fees because of rain or other acts of nature, or if an athlete or team fails to participate. Sports using outdoor sites are weather dependent. Competitions will be conducted unless State Games officials determine otherwise, or if the playing fields would incur significant damage.
Do I have to provide proof of age?Proof of age is required. Copies of Birth Certificate, eligibility list, Military I.D. and/or driver's license are acceptable proof-of-age documents. Do not mail or hand-deliver any proof-of-age documents to the ASF Foundation. The coach/participant should have proof-of-age documents on hand at the event site. In case of eligibility disputes, lack of proper documentation may result in disqualification of individual participants and/or team.
What type of awards are given?Alabama State Games medals awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each event. Athletes are responsible for pick-up of awards at the venue on the day of the event.
Where will the Opening Ceremony be held?For information, visit the Opening Ceremony Event page.
Is there an admission fee to get in the Opening Ceremony?No, the Opening Ceremony is free and open to the general public. For more information, visit the Opening Ceremony Event page.
What time does the Opening Ceremony start?3 PM to 6:45 PM - T-shirt Pick Up & Fan Fair 5:00 p.m. - State Farm Leadership Summit 6:15 p.m. to 6:45 p.m. - Parade of Athletes Line-up 7:00 p.m. - Opening Ceremony Celebration Show Begins
What about returned checks?It is the ASF Foundation's policy to charge a $40 service fee for returned checks in addition to the amount of the original check. The applicant will only be able to participate when the entry fee and service fee have been paid.
What about insurance coverage?Insurance is the responsibility of each participant. In some instances, the National Governing Body (NGB's), which sanctions an event, may have secondary coverage. In the event of an emergency, injury, or illness, medical aid will be contacted. Competition preparation, such as taping, is the responsibility of the participant.
What do I do in the event of a medical emergencies?We will have medical personnel and volunteers on-call at each event. In case of emergency, please complete the following calls/steps: 1. Dr. Robinson at 205-394-1410 2. Dean Kelly at 334-440-8072 3. In the event of a serious injury, you should call 9-1-1. Make sure that the coach, tournament director, and sports coordinator is aware of the situation. It is important that in the event of serious injury our staff be notified as soon as possible so that an incident report can be filed.
What about heat-related issues?Due to the heat in the summer months, dehydration and heat-related illnesses are common. It is important for each athlete to bring ample supply of fluids to maintain adequate hydration during their event. We recommend you stay out of the sun when not competing and to decrease your effort if heat is extreme
Does the ASF Foundation provide housing and food?Athletes and coaches are responsible for their own housing and food, and checking and agreeing to the hotel's cancellation policy. Arrangements have been made with hotels for a special "Athlete Rate" for participants in the Alabama State Games. Please advise the hotel that you are part of the Alabama State Games and wish to receive the special athletic rate. Go to the Hotel Partners Page for special hotel rates.
What uniform should I wear?All contestants must comply with uniform requirement of their sport. The ASF Foundation reserves the right to disqualify any participant whose uniform is thought to negatively affect the Games.
What behavior is expected?Participation in the State Games as an athlete, coach, parent, or spectator is a privilege that can be revoked for inappropriate behavior. We expect everyone to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner or be subject to ejection from the playing and spectator area.
What is the Alabama Sports Officials Bill?The Alabama Sports Officials Bill creates new crimes of harassing, menacing and assaulting sports officials, coaches and administrators. The punishments are harsher than normal for convictions for harassment, menacing and assault. For example, a second-degree assault can carry a sentence of up to 10 years in prison, but under the new law, a second-degree assault of a sports official, coach, and administrator could result in a sentences of up to 20 years. Alabama has become the 16th state to toughen the punishment of angry fans who attack game officials, coaches, and administrators. The legislation applies to all levels of athletics from church softball to professional sports.
How are disputes handled?Judgement calls made by officials are final. No video camera appeals are allowed. Action taken against athletes and/or coaches who are proven to be in violation of the framework and/or rules of the sports in which they are participating shall be determined by a Protest Committee; consisting of the Tournament Director and/or Sport Commissioner, ASF Foundation Regional Manager, and the ASF Foundation Executive Director. Decisions made by the Protest Committee having immediate impact on the competition are final and will not be subject to appeal. Any decision made by the Protest Committee regarding future sanctions or penalties against a team or individual may be appealed in writing to the ASF Foundation Board of Directors. The protest will be addressed at a subsequent meeting of the Board of Directors. In the event that rules governing player/coach eligibility, behavior and/or conduct are violated, the following sanctions may be applied: 1st violation - Forfeiture of all games played and medals won; 2nd violation - One-year suspension from competition; 3rd violation - Indefinite suspension from competition.
Can I smoke?Tobacco use (cigarettes, cigar) is not allowed at any venue (indoors and outdoors). We appreciate you respecting your fellow competitors, spectators and volunteers by not using tobacco products.
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